
I start many projects big and small. Some I finish others I don’t. So to try and get myself to finish them I decided to put a blog together… This way I have to show the final product. It’s a good idea, let’s see if it works.

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Thursday 7 March 2013

Chocolate Cake

So we are having a Mary Berry style bake off at work for St.Richards hospice.
Wasn't sure what to do, so had a look through pintrest and this was the result.

Chocolate cake covered with chocolate ganache, then milk and white chocolate fingers round the edge and then milk and crispy M&M's on top.


Sunday 16 September 2012

Revamping some shelves (two day project)

I recently found some shelves in my parents attic. They were made by a family friend many year ago, but no longer used. So I thought I would find a use for them and give them a little make over.
Being inspired by all the pins on Pinterest, I decided that I would give it a go.

The original Shelves...

I first set out to give them a clean, get all the cobwebs and dead spiders off. Then removed the brackets from the back.
Next was to sand the whole thing down, and actually it didn't take half as long as I thought.
I already had some grey wood paint that I had from a previous project.
First coat yesterday, and another coat today.

Shelves with two coats of grey wood paint...

Nipped over to Homebase to pick up a few free wallpaper samples (I love that you can take just a strip for free, I have plenty in large clip frames around the house as i haven't found the perfect pictures for everywhere yet).
Cutting the wallpaper to size was fun, as this piece is handmade none of the corners are perfect right angles. However I worked at it, and got three pieces to fit just right.
The hardest part of all was using the spray mount to glue the wallpaper in place. There is a technique to it, and you need patience.
The final result I'm really please with. It looks like new shelving I've just bought from a designer shop.

The finished piece....

Now I'm trying to find the perfect place to put it in my house. At first it was in the bedroom, but I think its too good to have all my beauty products on now.

Monday 25 July 2011

Nails pretty nails!

My friend has given me some good advice about making my nails look good and I don't think I'll every go back to nail varnish now! (that naughty MINX!¡!)

Finished peacocks at last!

Finally I'm putting up the photos of the finished peacocks. done and up on my kitchen wall.